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Roxie's Kitchen: Freakshake

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Hi everyone, our beloved Roxie is back with yet another recipe to share with her audience. She now wants to demonstrate how to make a Freakshake. To what extent are you fond of thick shakes and freakshakes? The best game to play is this one. Let's assist her in getting the freakshake ready. Gather all the ingredients needed and prepare the ideal smoothie that will leave your mouth watering. Gather stuff such as sprinklers, milk, chocolate, and other items. In the end, assist her in getting dressed in the newest styles to make her appear joyful and give her admirers the ultimate treat. Play more games and have fun exclusively on y8.com.

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Dezvoltator: Y8 Studio
Adăugat la: 21 Nov 2023
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