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Roxie's Kitchen: Carbonara Pasta

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Roxie, the adorable young girl, is back with another recipe. Another article from Roxie's Kitchen is called Carbonara Pasta. Cute young Roxie wants to prepare Carbonara pasta for us in her cookery demonstration. So let's help her make the best pasta in town by joining her. Let's gather the ingredients first, then thoroughly combine them to create the ideal dough. Next, prepare noodles using the pasta maker and create the ideal sausage for cooking. Mix them thoroughly, cook the mixture with the sausage, and serve. Finally, add some toppings to the pasta and enjoy the delectable carbonara. Let's finally make her appear amazing by dressing her in the newest clothes. Visit y8.com for more cooking games.

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Dezvoltator: Y8 Studio
Adăugat la: 29 Apr 2023
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