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Birthday Cake for Mom

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Birthday Cake for Mom is a fun brand new cake game brought to you by Y8! Do you like cakes? It's time bake a yummy cake to surprise Mom on her birthday! This game walks you through five exciting activities leading to our final cake! Start by first shopping for all the needed ingredients. Mix it up and be a flour master. Create a perfect shape of folder baking paper. Then start baking the cake in the correct temperature for a preset time. Our cake is now ready! The final step will be to decorate this yummy cake with different cute styles and colors you like. Be creative in making it the best cake ever and Mom will surely love! Dedicated to all kids who loves to bake for their Moms! Don't forget to take picture of the cake you baked and the dedication letter by using Y8 screenshot feature and be proud to show it to your Mom. Enjoy playing this fun game Birthday Cake for Mom brought to you by Y8.com!

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 06 Sep 2020
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