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Rock and Race Driver

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Rock and Race Driver is a free racing game. Turn up the radio and get ready to cruise through a never-ending sandbox of free, fun, gaming. Rock and Race Driver isn't a game with power-ups, upgrades, or other special abilities. There are no levels, no bosses, and no fetch quests. In Rock and Race Driver all we want you to do is sit down, strap in, rev up and roll out. This is a game where vacant city streets are filled with ramps and the lonely desert race track is the perfect place to spin donuts, pop wheelies, and peel out towards that great finish in the sky. In this game, there are no losers, only winners. And you win by playing hard, playing fast, playing long, and playing often. Playlot more games only on y8.com.

Categorie: Jocuri Condus
Adăugat la: 19 Nov 2020