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Penalty Shoot-Out

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Penalty Shoot-Out is the game with which we start, as The Smurfs recommend doing sports and physical activity, and that is also true for online gaming, even more so because they want you to join in on their fun and do this all together! To begin with, choose in which level of difficulty you want to play: easy, medium, or hard. You will be both the keeper and the shooter, and you shoot from the penalty area and defend the gate as well. To shoot, click in the direction that you want your shot to go, and then you will have a power bar on the left which goes in different colors. To make your shot as well as possible and not miss, click when the bar reaches the green color. When you are defending, there is a countdown, and after it, you see where the ball is going towards, so click on the target quickly to grab the ball. Try your best at both shooting and defending, so that you become a great football player!

Categorie: Jocuri Sporturi
Adăugat la: 20 Jan 2020