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Nom Nom Pizza

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Do you like pizza? Why don't we try to cook and prepare a yummy Nom Nom Pizza! Sounds good? Let's start it now by getting all the ingredients together and mix them into a dough. Cut the dough and shape them using the rolling pin. Put major toppings such as pepperoni and cheese on the pizza dough. We are now ready to prepare layers of pizza with lots of spices and flavors on top of it! Assemble the flavor toppings on the pizza dough based on the notes then put each into the oven. Finally the huge Nom Nom Pizza is ready for serving! Let's play a bit on plating and decoration by making it more presentable. Change the drinks, side dish and platter styles if you will! Now we have delicious pizza presentation and ready to eat! It's so yummy! Enjoy it and don't forget to share it to your friends by posting your creations on your Y8 profile using the Y8 screenshot feature! Have fun and enjoy this Nom Nom Pizza game brought to you by Y8.com!

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 19 Oct 2020
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