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My Romantic Wedding

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Romance. It’s what weddings are all about, right! The first look and the first dance, the big commitment and all the small gestures, the wedding day is all about celebrating love. Sure, the wedding is just one big party but everyone adores those nuptials where it’s all about elegant touches and an intimate atmosphere. The kind of wedding that’s so, head-over-heels romantic, it’s contagious, and this is exactly what our beautiful princess wants to have. A beautiful white dress, a shiny tiara and a simple yet elegant sheer veil. But all this needs to be carefully planned by a designer who turns into reality all the elements that create the style and the atmosphere of the event. Could you be that one talented wedding planner who makes her dream wedding come true?

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 24 May 2020