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Mermaid Music #Inspo Hashtag Challenge

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Mermaid Music #Inspo Hashtag Challenge takes you girls to turn the music up and have some fun in this new Hashtag Challenge on music and their style for genre such as Upbeat, Techno, Lofi, Rock! . Help our lovely princess to choose an outfit for all the eight music genres. They are Hashtags pop, k-pop, techno, goldies, trap, cyberpunk, indie! and they all have unique dress styles as well! Get inspired by the rhythm of the music and shop different genre dress! Show it to social media and get likes from friends and followers! It's fun music genre and shopping spree! Enjoy playing this exciting girl game here at Y8.com!

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 19 Oct 2020