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Mahjong Black and White

35,455 timp joc

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Mahjong Black and White is a classic game of strategy, skill, and luck. In Mahjong: Black and White you'll be tasked with the goal of defeating an AI in the kind of brain-burning combat that they are most qualified to win. Make connections, foresee patterns, manage your hand, and slowly deplete the rows of tiles in order to claim ultimate victory. A true Mahjong player is able to balance situational tactics and ascertain the terrain of a game as well as think long term and employ a strategy which will help you collect tiles without painting yourself into a corner or handing victory to your opponent. There is a reason this game has been played by kings, generals, and arm-chair strategists for years: it is an elegant system which rewards planning and quick thinking. So, play now and work your way up the leaderboard. Just maybe you'll be able to leave your name among histories finest generals and greatest minds as the person who conquered Mahjong. Why not? It's worth a shot.

Categorie: Jocuri Gândire
Dezvoltator: Zygomatic
Adăugat la: 23 Aug 2020