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Fun Halloween

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Fun Halloween an interesting and fun game to play. Yeah kids we all love Halloween festival right, here we bought a new game for your favorite party day. We all know how to celebrate and get ready on this festival and hang out with friends and give and share some gifts with them. Here is the game to play first we have to decorate the pumpkin to hang out near our home and lets dress up the this Halloween scarecrow and lets place it near our back yard. Later let's meet our family and friends and let's play some games and share some gifts, for that use the map location to reach their home and let's play small games like, jigsaw, puzzles and more. Share candies and have lots of fun on this occasion. Play this fun game only on y8.com.

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 09 Oct 2020
Capturile de Ecran ale Jucătorului
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