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Boys Style Up

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Boys Style Up is dress up game for modern fashionable male stars and icons! Do you like modern styles for boys? This fun new game features awesome outfits suited for modern Millenial boys. Let's go and check out those dress from the closet! Pick and select new male trousers, shirts, sweaters, long sleeves and match it with cool pants. Choose a colorful hair style and grab some accessories for our male models. There's a random setup also if you feel bored about the current selection. You can save your progress dress up being style using the automatic Y8 save feature. So enjoy styling our male models and get them ready for some awesome photo ops later! Don't forget to post it in your profile using the Y8 screenshot feature! Enjoy this fun dress up game for Millenial boys brought to you by Y8.com!

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 19 Oct 2020
Capturile de Ecran ale Jucătorului
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