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Avocado Toast Instagram

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Avocado toast is not only popular on Instagram these days but it is also a popular healthy breakfast! So if you are already curious how those colorful plates on Instagram are made… stay tuned! we are going to share the best avocado toast dish with you. Begin by preparing the star ingredient of the dish: wash the avocado fruit, open it and mash it in a bowl until creamy. Toast the bread and then use a knife to spread the avocado paste over it. Now get ready to work out your food decoration skills too as you get to beautify the two slices with fried eggs, tomatoes, cheese, shrimps, mushrooms, fresh cucumbers or with parsley. Add as many extra ingredients as you want and when you’re done feel free to capture your creation and to post it to Instagram but not before adding the right filters. Have a great time playing the ‘Avocado Toast Instagram’ game!

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Dezvoltator: DressupWho
Adăugat la: 09 Jul 2018