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Apple and Onion: Messin Around

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Be fast and stop the mess made by a mischievous cat before Apple & Onion wake up. Today, the cat that we are telling you about will be the main character of this new Apple and Onion game, because dear kids the two characters are going to sleep through the entire game, and you will be playing with the cat, which you will see that will be a playfull mode, and her version of a game is going to be to throw throughout the room all kinds of clothes like socks, t-shirts, hats or sneakers and even different other objects like milk crates, chairs, skateboards, rubber ducks, books, ice cream and cat food cans. Your mission will be rather easy, but it's going to be difficult to pull together, because the cat will be slick, and she might pick up the phase if she is going to see that you are going to do a great job. In this new challenge, you dear kids will have to make sure that in the shortest time, you will manage to help Apple and Onion keep their bed clean off all the objects that the cat will throw in the air.

Categorie: Jocuri Abilități
Adăugat la: 03 Aug 2020