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Cute Kitty Pregnant

404,073 timp joc

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Kitty pregnancy games allows you to take care of the pregnant female cat and their newborn kitten. Take care of the pregnant female cat and newborn kitten exactly as it described.

main features:
- many tools: oxygen mask, ultrasound , injection, surgery and etc.
- many activities.
- many levels.
- collect points to unlock new levels.
- easy!
- free!

Your mission is really important in this new Cute kitty Pregnant and that is because you are in fact going to be a veterinarian and what can be cooler than that, you get to play with a husky mom cat and you have to help her give birth which is not going to be a difficult task because you are going to receive all the instructions you need from the game, you just have to pay attention to them because we know you are going to receive help.

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 04 May 2020
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