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Wasteland Trucker

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Wasteland Trucker is a driving simulation game with no objective It’s an eerie time as the world is a complete wasteland with no sign of life in any direction. You can find stranded cars that still have some gas left to get to your destination or to pass the time. Go out for a drive where there are no rules, cops, pedestrians, or other drivers. Just you and the road for you to drive around, crash into light poles, and try to perform dangerous stunts. You can drive through dirt roads, freeways, or into the city. There are no rules, goals, or competition to this online car game. There’s just you and your favorite car either cruising or creating mayhem in this driving simulation game. This is a great online game to let go of some steam to!

Categorie: Jocuri Condus
Adăugat la: 20 Jan 2020