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The Good Dentist

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The Good Dentist is fun and cute simulation game on how to become a dentist in this game brought to you by Y8.com! In this game you have the chance to play and be the good dentist! Are you ready to handle your patient? First, examine the condition of the teeth! Looks like it's a foul mouth! Drop all the unwanted elements from the mouth of the patient that makes the bad breath. Hunt down those little monsters hiding behind the teeth and clean it. Pluck out the dead tooth and implant a new one. Try to work on fixing the broken sides of teeth. Now its time to brush the teeth thoroughly on all sides making it bright and shiny. Now its all fixed and clean, she can now smile happily! Remember always to keep your teeth clean and healthy! Share and post it in your profile using the Y8 screenshot feature! Enjoy playing The Good Dentist game brought to you by Y8.com!

Adăugat la: 19 Oct 2020
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