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Princesses Yacht Party

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Ice Princess, Cindy and Island Princess are going to spend their weekend on a yacht, sailing during day and spending their night at the shore of one of the most amazing cities on the French Riviera. This is going to be a weekend full of parties and the girls want to look extraordinary. Play this game to help them plan their outfits, as they are going to need a day time and a night time outfit for today for example. They are going to have a day time pool party on the yacht and in the night a cocktail party. The girls need trendy swimsuits, sheer summer dresses and statement accessories. Open their wardrobe to explore the options and also give them matching hairstyles. Find the most beautiful dresses for the cocktail party and make sure they will look absolutely astonishing. Have a wonderful playing time!

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 04 May 2020