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Pet Wash

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Pet Wash a fun and cute animal game to play. Little pets adore nature, forest, and bushes, where they can play hide and seek and chase each other. Pets went for a ramble with their cute friends and now they are dirty and messy. Help them quickly with your beauty treatments. At first, get rid of flies, wasps, bees, ticks or spiders. For perfect warm bathing, use some soap, a shower and a towel to clean up the dirty pets. Dry them and comb their hair or parrot's feathers. Some animals have their unique needs. Apply some lotion on pet's body so it will look like scattered with glitter. For the final touch, perfume your lovely pet and choose from among various colorful accessories. You can combine a butterfly, necklaces, a tie, a bow, hats and glasses. Play this game only on y8.com

Categorie: Jocuri Abilități
Adăugat la: 20 Nov 2020