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Perfect Piano

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Have you ever wanted to master classical piano pieces but didn’t have the time or patience to become a master piano player? Well, don’t worry anymore, because you just need one finger to play the classics right here in our Perfect Piano game. In Perfect Piano you have to tap the black tiles to match the rhythm of the song. Tap the tiles in the lower third of the screen to receive a maximum score.

The goal of each song is to reach all three stars. To do that you have to tap all the black tiles ideally just before they hit the lower end of the screen. If you tap the tiles in the middle of the screen or even earlier you will only receive two or one star for each tap. That’s the safer option, but will not lead to a new high score. No risk, no fun. Right?

Perfect Piano is a game that tests your skill as well as helps you relax with soothing classical music and other well known songs.

Categorie: Jocuri Abilități
Adăugat la: 06 Mar 2019