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Miss Mechanic's Brain Surgery

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It's just a normal day for Miss Mechanic, doing some engine tune up when a freak accident happened. She was loosening a bolt when she accidentally knocked off the hood strut, dropping the hood which made her fell from her back, bumping on a metal locker which unfortunately had a sharp object on top. That pointy thing fell directly to poor Miss Mechanic's head and punctured it badly. Now it's up to you to save her by performing a very sensitive surgery. You need to carefully extract the sharp object from her head that pierced her skull and brain. It's going to be hard but with your skillful hands, it will just be a piece of cake. After the successful surgery don't forget to dress her up in a cute and funky outfit to lift her spirit. Play this game now and unlock all the achievements and share your creations with other players of the game.

Adăugat la: 15 Feb 2019
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