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Looney Tunes: Guess the Animal

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Looney Tunes Guess the Animal is a cool game where you have to click on the correct animals. Guess which real animal character on the screen is and proceed further. The universe has a lot of them, so there will be many tasks. Can you name them all without mistakes? On the right, there are going to be your three possible answers, each of them also having sound bubbles you can hear, so listen to the character, then to the answers, and choose the correct one to clear the question and advance to the next one. This way, not only will you have fun completing a quiz, but you will also learn more about animals and how they sound, making this game both fun and educational at the same time! Play this fun game only on y8.com

Categorie: Jocuri Abilități
Adăugat la: 02 Nov 2020