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Gladiator Simulator

1,258,436 timp joc

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Do you know the history of Gladiators? If you do not, now you have opportunity to learn something from us because playing can be about learning and not just killing time as your parents think. The name Gladiator is derived from the word gladius what is a short sword in translation. They originally fought in ancient Rome. However, Gladiator Simulator gives you the chance to try out a number of other weapons - a two-handed sword, a short sword, a sword with a shield and many more. But gladiators did not fight for glory, but only to amuse audiences and they fought to death. This is exactly what you try. Fight until you die and try to score the highest score. Maybe you will kill all your enemies and become the first Gladiator in the history that survived. Have fun.

Adăugat la: 11 Jan 2019