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Carnival with Pop

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Carnival with Pop is a fun adventure game for kids brought to you by Y8.com! Are you ready for some fun adventure in the carnival with Pop? Kids are always excited to have some fun and rides in the carnivals! Now is your time to enjoy it and specially if you are along with your Pop! Get ready to play mini games such as balloon popping, rabbit smash, duck shooting, go kart racing and many more! It's a carnival house full of fun and excitement! Make sure you collect as many tickets you can each games. You will use those tickets to exchange it later with some cool stuff in the booth! Don't forget to post to your profile the screenshot of your game by using Y8 screenshot feature! Enjoy playing Carnival with Pop game brought to you by Y8.com!

Adăugat la: 06 Sep 2020
Capturile de Ecran ale Jucătorului
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