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Billie's Weekly Planner

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Step into the glitzy world of Billie's Weekly Planner, the ultimate dress-up extravaganza where you get to play fashion guru to none other than the sizzling sensation, Billie! Play as Billie's personal assistant, tasked with curating her killer looks for four fab events happening in the next few days. First up, it's a rock-themed bash that'll have everyone headbanging! Get those outfits and makeup on point, darling, because Billie's about to rock the stage and your styling skills are her ticket to fashion stardom. Dive into Billie's Weekly Planner and unleash your inner stylist. It's time to dress to impress and conquer the fashion world, one fabulous outfit at a time! Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Adăugat la: 19 Jun 2024