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Bartender The Wedding

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Welcome to another installment of the funny game Bartender series, Bartender The Wedding! Miguelita the sister of the famous Miguel will be the bartender at the wedding of their cousin Carlos. Help her create all the right mix of beverages and please all the guests! But you need to impress three important guests! First is the jealous ex-lover, Santos. You need to make the right mix that will give him closure and move on. Next is the rich and very demanding grandma in-law, Maria Beranda. Make her the drink that she demanded and for sure she will give her blessings to the newly wed. Lastly the beautiful bride of Carlos, Valeria Valencia. Prepare the drink that will make her say “I DO” and kiss Carlos to their happily ever after! Play this game now and see all the funny looks that you can do to your clients. See if you can even make the right mix!

Adăugat la: 12 Oct 2018
Capturile de Ecran ale Jucătorului
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