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Baby Cathy Ep24: Kitty Time

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Little Cathy is back with another fun activity. We all love baby Cathy right, now she is here with us with a cute little kitty. She found this little kitty while playing with her mom. But the little kitty is in bit of bad condition, our little Cathy wants to make her healthy and happy again. So let us help her to clean the kitty and remove all the dirt. As we can see, kitty's tail got some injury, so apply some medicine and bandage to it and clean her hair and give her some cute dresses, Now why to wait, in this happy occasion, select some other cute dresses for our little baby Cathy and make her look more cute and happy. Play more baby Cathy games only on y8.com

Categorie: Jocuri pentru Fete
Dezvoltator: Y8 Studio
Adăugat la: 26 Jul 2022
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