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The Evenings on the Farm Near Dikanka

The Evenings on the Farm Near Dikanka

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Descrierea videoclipului:

It is an immortal masterpiece of great Russian writer Nikolay Vasilevich Gogol (1809â1852).

Action is developed on the eve of Christmas in Malorussia (so in olden time in Russia named Ukraine), in village Dikanka. There live smith Vakula, mother of its Solokha - a witch who likes to fly on a broom, the rich Cossack Chub (the Forelock) with the daughter - beauty Oksana whom Vakula wishes to marry, and more many kind and bad people.
The director: Alexander Rowe
In roles: Alexander Khvylya, Lyudmila Myznikova, Yury Tavrov, Lyudmila Hityaeva, Sergey Martinson, Anatoly Kubatsky, Vera Altaiskaya, Dmitry Kapka, Nikolay Yakovchenko, Marina Sidorchuk, Alexander Radunsky, George Millyar, Michael Vasilev, Yury Grigoriev, Alexander Demyanenko, Lidia Koroleva, Irina Murzaeva, Natalia Skvortsova, Alexey Smirnov, Michael Troyanovsky, Zoya Vasilkova, Yury Chekulaev

Adăugat la: 21 May 2016