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Codex Alimentarius versus Freedom of Health

Codex Alimentarius versus Freedom of Health

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Codex (Alimentarius) is made up of thousands of standards and guidelines.

One of them, the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG), is designed to permit
only ultra low doses of vitamins and minerals (and make clinically effective
nutrients illegal).
Through Codex, nutrients are ultimately being categorized as "toxins".
Beneficiary of this pseudo-science is of course the pharmaceutical industry in
the hands of nihilistic globalists.

The Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural
healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by the World Health
Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to
health freedom has never been greater.

Adăugat la: 20 May 2016